lThe conventional four-ram/dual-ram coiled tubing blowout preventer, blowout preventer box and other coiled tubing well control equipment produced by our factory are equipped with coiled tubing trucks in many oil service companies and oil fields
lThe ram of the composite double ram coiled tubing blowout preventer is suspended/half sealed and cut/full sealed ram, which greatly reduces the weight and height of the equipment to meet the requirements of the working conditions under the requirements of the process and function.
公称通径 | 2-9/16"~5-1/8" |
额定工作压力 | 5000psi~15000psi |
推荐液控操作压力 | 1500psi(剪切闸板液控压力2800psi) |
侧出口规格 | 2-1/16in×10000psi |
剪切闸板能力 | 剪断外径2-3/8in ,壁厚0.204in,CT90钢级连续油管 |
卡瓦闸板悬挂重量 | 40T(外径2in油管) |
金属材料温度等级 | T-0、T-20、T-75 |
执行标准 | API 16A 3rd 、 API RP 16ST |
适合介质 | 水、石油、天然气、H2S |